Meet Central Europe Conference 2022
Eva Dinušová

In the middle of October, a three-day-long Meet Central Europe Conference 2022 (MCE) took place at the X-Bionic Sphere resort in Šamorín near Bratislava, Slovakia. MCE is a...
In the middle of October, a three-day-long Meet Central Europe Conference 2022 (MCE) took place at the X-Bionic Sphere resort in Šamorín near Bratislava, Slovakia. MCE is a...
LEXIKA translation company – a double-certified company in translation services and quality management. In a March 2021 re-certification audit, we confirmed our quality...
There is one tradition at Lexika that we have maintained for years: every early spring, we voluntarily undergo an audit in accordance with ISO 9001 and ISO 17100. This proves to...
A few weeks have gone by since the most recent workshop on the zero-waste office project and the third one will be here soon. But meanwhile, we have to do our “homework”....
Every year, just like many other companies, we rack our brains over what to give our clients to thank them for their year-long cooperation. At this time of year, cards and little...
Eva and I started this project with great enthusiasm and motivation. At the very beginning of the introductory lecture, we were told it was not going to be easy. That didn’t put...
“We’re in!” shouted my colleague Eva enthusiastically from the opposite desk. “I’ll tell you in a minute,” said she and left our office... After the longest 3...
This year Lexika is celebrating the 25th anniversary of its founding. On this occasion we looked back at its history with the best person for the job – the man who witnessed the...
Project managers are the cornerstone of a translation company. So what is a PM and what do they do? You’ll learn about that in this interview with our PM Denisa Kytová. Deni,...
LEXIKA is now a member of tekom Europe e.V., the world’s largest professional association for technical communication, connecting approximately 9,000 experts in this and...