Simona Pralovska | Lexika
Simona Pralovska

Simona Pralovska

Vendor manager
I began my journey at LEXIKA during my university days in 2017. LEXIKA, the people that form part of it, and the translation industry have grown on me since then. One of the day-to-day challenges I have to face is finding new talented translators. Furthermore, I take care of developing good and open relationships with our long-standing translators who make it possible for us to do what we love. Over time, I was put in charge of marketing activities and internal HR. I don’t have to worry about my job turning into a daily grind and I learn something new every day. :)

Newest posts

translator on holiday

Your Favourite Translator Is on Holiday. What Now?

  • Simona Pralovska
  • Ciferník14.07.2022
  • Reading time: 3 min.

If you order translations regularly, then you might notice that their quality can diminish in summer. You’re not alone! This is quite common. The ordinarily perfect translations...

online translator

Online Security: Which translator should I use?

  • Simona Pralovska
  • Ciferník30.11.2021
  • Reading time: 1 min.

The last article in our Online Security series deals with the notorious Google Translate and other free machine translation services—routinely called online translators. As...

Data Encryption on computer

Online Security: Data Encryption

  • Simona Pralovska
  • Ciferník29.10.2021
  • Reading time: 2 min.

Nearly all of us store sensitive information, documents, and client data on our computers that are subject to the General Data Protection Regulation. In our series of...

back up methods

Online Security: How to back up your data

  • Simona Pralovska
  • Ciferník30.09.2021
  • Reading time: 2 min.

In addition to preventing your data from being stolen, you should also consider how to prevent data loss if your device is misplaced or damaged. Backing up all of your important...

online security, updating on a regular basis

Online security: Why do regular updates matter?

  • Simona Pralovska
  • Ciferník20.08.2021
  • Reading time: 2 min.

You’re immersed in your work when a window pops up saying that your operating system needs an update. Your work deadline is relentless though, plus you’ve just gotten into the...
