Olena Micovčinová | Lexika
Olena Micovčinová

Olena Micovčinová

Project manager
After graduating, I did not have a clear idea of what to do next. But what I knew was that I wanted to go to work with a smile on my face and do something that would make me happy. All my job expectations were met after joining LEXIKA in 2016. I work as a project manager and my day-to-day duties include overseeing specialized translations, interpreting projects, and occasionally even certified translations. I am constantly in touch with our translators, our clients, and other translation companies thanks to which my work is always dynamic and interesting.

Newest posts

translation quality in translation agency

Managing Quality in Translation Agency

  • Olena Micovčinová
  • Ciferník28.06.2022
  • Reading time: 2 min.

“We provide high-quality translations.” “We guarantee the quality of our translations.“ “Our translation services are top-notch.” How many times have you read such...

creating a term base in a CAT tool

How to create term base in a CAT tool (tutorial)

  • Olena Micovčinová
  • Ciferník16.06.2022
  • Reading time: 7 min.

You probably already heard about the term base. Term bases, i.e. term dictionaries, are great helping tools by translation from any field. In the previous article, we wrote about...

windows and word keyboard shortcuts

60+ Essential Windows and Word Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Olena Micovčinová
  • Ciferník18.10.2021
  • Reading time: 4 min.

Can you imagine running a computer using only keyboard shortcuts? Why would you even do that? The answer is simple: Keyboard shortcuts are hyper-efficient way to quickly turn...

the best apps for language learning

8 Best Language Learning Apps

  • Olena Micovčinová
  • Ciferník23.07.2021
  • Reading time: 5 min.

People throughout history have never had as many opportunities to learn foreign languages at home as today. And by opportunities, we mean interesting ways to learn languages, not...
